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Global Small Giant of

precision machinery processing

A company that lead to the world with advanced new technology and know-how.
We always moving forward to lead the machine industry on a global stage

about sincewin

A Specialized In Precision Machinery Parts Processing.

Consistent with the vision and values of the founder, we strives to strengthen world’s industrial base through effective utilization of staff and materials. The means envisaged to achieve.


SINCEWIN has achieved superior processing technologies for precision machinery parts.

R&D Center

Collaboration with Engineering Research Institutes to develop innovative machining technologies

Global Company

Working cooperatively with our multiple global facilities makes us a global small giant

Clients Trust

Having faith in one's clientele Initially, ensure that you have the most cutting-edge technology available.

our specialty

perfect solutions for many application

Ref. & AC. Compressor

Shinswin Co., Ltd. has been supplying machine manufacturing and processing technology to leading companies such as LG since its inception in 1991.


We are supplying automobile engine parts with our long-standing processing technology know-how.

FA & AI System

We specialize in researching, developing, and manufacturing processing technology and automation systems that meet customer needs.

how we keep top quality

care to produce the finest product.

quality management

Quality management includes, Total Quality Management, Quality Control Tower, and Quality Assurance.

Line Quality Control

Regain control over the quality of manufacturing line even if it is located on the other side of the world

Out-bound Control

Responsible for checking the finished with packaging, using Advanced Qualification Program sampling plan

incoming control

Control for quality even before conducting a first article inspection or during production inspection

our works

latest projects

The way we handle details distinguishes us

SINCEWIN is a strong team in R&D and practical technique. SINCEWIN have designed and manufactured from precision tools to automated units and machine tools, and delivered them to the many leading companies with a sustainable development ability and competitiveness. Contact us anytime.

recent activities

latest news

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Digita BP melt- in to sincewin^^;;;
2021년 신스윈 대피훈련
2021년 신스윈 소방훈련
Selected In 2018 “SinceWin” KICOX
신스윈 2018 키콕스글로벌선도기업 명예의전당 등극 🎉🏆
세계 경쟁력 & 성장 잠재력 인정받아

📍대한민국 경상남도 창원시 성산구 완암로 9
📞+82 55.291.0471

#sincewin #신스윈 #글로벌선도기업명예의전당 #중소기업 #키콕스글로벌선도기업
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